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Current and Past Clients

Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii:  Kokua Communications is the current lead grant writer for Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii, securing funding for the organization's 9 Clubhouses on Oahu and Kauai.


Kumukahi Health + Wellness:  Formerly known as HIHAF, Kokua Communications led KHW through their rebranding process to reflect the updated client base and services provided by this long-standing Big Island organization. 


The Maui Farm:  Kokua Communications provided website design and grantwriting services to The Maui Farm, which assists female victims of domestic violence and their children.


Kumu Kahua Theatre:  Known as a theatre of place, Kumu Kahua Theatre offers local plays, told by local playwrights.  Kokua Communications assisted KKT with developing a 3-year strategic plan, as well as providing grant writing services.


Hawai'i Health & Harm Reduction Center:  HHHRC offers harm-reduction services to under-served populations on Oahu.  Kokua Communications spearheaded the rebranding effort when Life Foundation and The CHOW Project merged together to become HHHRC in 2018.


Imua Family Services:  Imua Family Services works to empower children living with developmental disabilities on Maui. Kokua Communications held staff and board level strategic planning sessions to develop a 5-year strategic plan for the organization.


Ceeds of Peace:  Ceeds of Peace provides peace-building training to adults who work with children.  Kokua Communications developed a 5-year strategic plan for the organization and provided grant writing services.


Ho‘ola na Pua:  An organization providing education about sex trafficking in Hawai‘i, and support for underage female sex trafficking victims has hired Kokua Communications to organize volunteers to hold fundraising and educational speaking events.


Honolulu Habitat for Humanity:  Kokua Communications provides grant-writing services to HHH to support it’s mission to end poverty housing on O’ahu.


State of Hawai‘i, Department of Health, Medical Marijuana Program:  Developed new website to improve communications after transition of Medical Marijuana Program to Department of Health from the Department of Public Safety:


Hui o Ko’olaupoko:  Kokua Communications worked with Hui o Ko’olaupoko (HOK) to create a comprehensive fundraising and communications plan for the organization. HOK’s primary focus is to protect watershed areas in Ko’olaupoko and across Hawaii.


Paepae o He’eia:  A non-profit in Kaneohe dedicated to caring for the ancient He’eia Fishpond, preserving ancient fishpond culture, and sharing the knowledge with the younger generation.  Kokua Communications developed a 5-year fundraising plan for the organization, and assisted with developing their Pani ka Puka campaign to raise $100,000 to fix a break in the fishpond wall.


Hawaii Parkinson Association:  HPA provides advocacy and support for those living with Parkinson’s disease in Hawai‘i.  Kokua Communications is the event manager for HPA's annual fundraising walk, and also provides communications and strategic planning consulting.


NAMI Hawai‘i:  NAMI Hawai‘i provides advocacy, education and support to people with mental illness and their families.  Kokua Communications oversaw the 2013 NAMIWalks in Hawaii, a 3k fundraising walk.


Life Foundation:  Kokua Communications worked with Life Foundation, a local HIV/AIDS organization, to provide them grant writing services and currently manages their website.


CHOW Project:  Kokua Communications provided grant writing and marketing services to the CHOW Project, a program to improve the health of  injection drug users in Hawai‘i.  Kokua Communications designed a website for the organization, new brochures, press release templates, and a private fundraising strategy for CHOW.


Immunize Hawai‘i Coalition:  Kokua Communications designed a new website for Immunize Hawai‘i, and trained the staff on how to manage the content in-house.

 Contact Us
Phone: 808-383-0163

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